No sources yet. Press Shift and draw a Square on the map.
Total CBGs Selected: 0
Average Price/Location: 0
Total Eligible Locations: 0
Total Reserved Price: 0
No sources yet. Press Shift and draw a Square on the map.
Population: 0
Median Household Income: 0
% Population with Bachelor Degree: 0
% Owner Occupied Housing: 0
% Population over 65: 0
Number: 0
GetReady is a web-mapping tool that aims at helping local Internet Service Providers identify growth potential.
Based on the available data, we show summary estimates by your area of interests.
· RDOF: Rural Digital Opportunity Fund. The tool summarizes the current eligible locations and total funding available for your selected census block groups.
· ACS: American Community Survey (2013-2018 5 year estimates). We also present summary statistis from census data to help you decide the opportunity and risks in pursing funding in a given context.
· ISP Listing: We realized that many local ISPs are underrepresented. Thus here we also want to show a comprehensive lists of ISPs that are working in the areas to your interests. They might be potential partern. In the last couple months, we have been pulling data from many different resources including FCC's Form 477, individual ISP's website, etc. We are hoping to build a comprehensive list of ISPs in the near future. Let us know if you find mistakes in our data.
· Data Download: After you draw a square and query the areas of interests, hover over each individual census block group, you will see details of each selected census block group. You are welcome to download the data shown on the screen. Please fill in the comment survey to help us grow.
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Eligible Locations:
0Reserved Price: